Playground Cleaning Checklist Playground Cleaning List Site: Date: Maintenance Observation Access to playland clear of obstruction/s: YesNo Playland checked for dangerous/sharp objects: YesNo Softfall area inspected for hazards and is in good repair: YesNo Play system free of - •Vandalism/graffiti: YesNo •Broken or missing parts (bolts, screws etc): YesNo •Fences/gates require attention: YesNo •Excessive wear: YesNo Surfaces checked and free of damage i.e. chipping, scratches, cracks & splits •Tunnels / Slides: YesNo •Floors / Walls: YesNo •Bubbles / Copters: YesNo •Stairs: YesNo •Exterior: YesNo Drainage: YesNo Cleaning CPS Safety signage clear and visible: YesNo Exterior surfaces scrubbed/high pressure cleaned: YesNo Walkways high pressure cleaned as required: YesNo Murals cleaned and free of grease: YesNo Play system windows and bubbles cleaned YesNo Handrails and steps cleaned and disinfected: YesNo Play system interior scrubbed, disinfected, rinsed and dried off: YesNo Surrounding fences and glass panels cleaned (where applicable): YesNo The Playland has been left in a clean and tidy condition and the Manager is satisfied with the work completed. Note: The Maintenance Observation is a visual inspection carried out during cleaning operations and not a safety audit of the play system. Manager on Duty: Signed by Manager: Your Clean Contractor Name: Time in: Time out: